How to Maintain A Generator | Generator Maintenance Tips 

generator maintenance tips

A generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It can be used to provide backup power for homes and businesses during outages or to supply power for equipment in remote locations where a traditional power source is not available. Generators typically consist of an engine, a battery, and an alternator that converts the mechanical energy produced by the engine into electrical energy. There are many different types of generators available, each with unique features and capabilities depending on their intended use. Overall, generators are powerful tools that play an important role in our daily lives by providing essential electrical power when we need it most.

Generator Maintenance Tips:

Generator-Maintenance- tips

Regular maintenance of your generator will extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the line. A routine maintenance practice is that of general inspection. Inspections consist of checking for leaks, assessing oil and coolant levels, glancing at the belts and hoses and checking the battery terminals and cables. It is important to inspect the oil as well, as it must be changed regularly.  change oil frequency depends on the manufacturer, how often the generator is used, and your work environment. Typically, it is recommended you change the oil after 100 hours of operation, especially if the generator uses diesel.

In addition to a general inspection, generator maintenance requires annual fuel tank cleaning and change air filter, as diesel fuel degrades quickly. After a few weeks of operation, diesel fuel degrades via contamination of water and microbes, resulting in clogged fuel lines and filters. Fuel tank cleaning involves using biocides annually in all generators except for the standby generator, in which it will attract moisture.

The cooling system must also be maintained, which requires checking the coolant level at existing intervals. This must be done during shutdown periods. Checking for battery power is especially true for standby generators, as battery issues are their primary cause of failure. Make sure the batteries are robust and charged enough to last long so as to not incur any start-up hitches for the generator. Regular testing should be done to inform of the battery’s current status. Testing involves checking the electrolyte levels and specific gravity of the batteries. The batteries themselves also must be clean.

Besides the above best practices, it is also important to exorcise the generator on a weekly basis for 30 minutes under load. This will charge the battery, remove excess wetness, lubricate the engine and filter the fuel and foil. Any loose pieces found anywhere on the generator must be placed securely in. You should also keep records of inspections and tests for future inspections and scrutiny. These records will allow you to stay in the know of your generator’s state.

  1. Check your generator regularly for oil leaks.
  2. If you notice any leaks, repair them immediately to prevent further damage.
  3. Keep the area around your generator clean and free of debris.
  4. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper operation and maintenance of your generator.
  5. Store fuel for your generator in a safe, dry place.
  6. Use only fresh, unleaded gasoline in your generator
  7. When you change oil Use only recommended oil.
  8. Never run your generator indoors or in an enclosed space.
  9. Be sure to disconnect all electrical appliances and devices from your generator before starting it up.
  10. Always exercise caution when operating your generator. Never touch any part of the generator while it is running.
  11. When not in use, be sure to turn off your generator and disconnect it from all power sources.
  12. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines when operating your generator.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your generator will be running smoothly for years to come. Regular upkeep of your generator is essential to keeping it in good condition and preventing costly repairs down the line. Do not hesitate to consult with a professional if you have any questions about maintaining your generator.


  • How long can a home generator run continuously?

Most home generators can run continuously for 24 hours or more. However, you should always consult your generator’s owner’s manual for specific run time guidelines.

  • Can you keep a generator in the house?

No, you should never operate a generator indoors or in an enclosed space. Generators produce harmful carbon monoxide gas that can build up to dangerous levels in enclosed spaces. Always exercise caution when operating your generator and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.

  • What are the different types of generators available?

There are many different types of generators available, including gas-powered generators, diesel-powered generators, solar-powered generators, and more. Each type typically has unique features and capabilities depending on its intended use.

  • How do I care for my Portable generator?

Regularly Checks for oil leaks. If you notice any oil leaks, repair them immediately to prevent further damage. Keep the area around your generator clean and free of debris. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper operation and maintenance of your portable generator. Have your portable generator serviced by a qualified technician at least once a year.

  •  How do I store the fuel for my Portable generator?

Store fuel for your portable generator in a safe, dry place. Use only fresh, unleaded gasoline in your generator.

  •   How do I maintain my Portable generator properly?

To maintain your generator properly, you should start by inspecting it regularly for oil leaks. If you notice any leaks, make sure to repair them immediately to prevent further damage. You should also keep the area around your generator clean and free of debris. Additionally, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper operation and maintenance of your generator. Finally,

  • Can I keep a generator in my home or garage?

No, you should never operate a generator indoors or in an enclosed space. Generators produce harmful accidental carbon monoxide poisoning gas that can build up to dangerous levels in enclosed spaces. Always exercise caution when operating your generator and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.